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Video with the model - Isis Love. Porn model - Isis Love. At 34 years old, ISIS Love can rightly be called a star and a veteran of the porn industry. For more than ten years she has been working in this industry.
The American actress is of French and Jamaican ethnic origin. She has the Breasts fourth the size and says that it is not resorted to plastic surgery, and Breasts are real. The model has multiple tattoos and piercings on his body, but never overly fond of body art. Her way into the porn industry was simple and short. One of her close friends was shot in short porn films and invited ISIS to try a scene with her. Girlfriend fun and easy tsnelisi in the episode, Love immediately got my fee and was frankly surprised that in such a short time, you can earn large amounts of money. So there was her choice of profession. But now, after many years of working in this business, an experienced actor gives advice to aspiring models is "collect the money and go to learn, porn is not forever."
The actress is working with many large companies, but most of all she likes to work with where it can implement its dominant nature. This website specializiruetsya on rude scenes with bondage and a variety of interesting devices. Actress like this genre, and she likes to control their female partners on set. She is a versatile actress and loves anal sex in the scenes of m+W.
Pornstar has and ordinary human passions. For example, she enjoys fishing and it is pretty rare that an actress of her genre was a real fisherman. But she likes it and she's in his spare time he tries to get out with friends on a fishing trip. Another unexpected hobby – she is studying landscape design and embodies the knowledge gained in the transformation of their personal garden. The actress loves to relax on the Nude beaches and to swim completely naked. She feels a complete connection with nature in those moments.
ISIS Love has its own production Studio, where her team shoots music videos, commercials, and short films for adults. She deals with directing, and often writing new scripts for films. Her company also works under the orders of major porno Studio. The actress claims that the Affairs of the company are excellent and she is confident that after the completion of his career, as an actress, she will dedicate all my free time, energy and experience to her company has become popular in the USA.
The actress never puts before itself serious problems in your career and not going crazy with desire to win some kind of nomination in one of the awards AVN Awards. She is very pragmatic attitude to this show and considering it only as an opportunity to put together the initial capital. She has no rose-colored glasses about the fact that you can become legendary and a lifetime to earn only one name. In porn, generally more unpleasant things happen and surprises, and we need to be careful and ready for anything.